*** Your tax-deductible donations allow us to continue providing these scholarships to these worthy students.
As a reminder and for your convenience donatons can be made on line using PAYPAL located on the
home page of this website .
Free Writing Workshop
Grades 9th -12th
Host: The Evelyn E. Perkins Scholarship Foundation
Must pre-register
Saturday, November 9th 10:30 am -1:30pm
10601 Civic Center Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739
Conference Room
Learn an easy way to refinesentence writing
Improve yourwriting skills for job and college applications
Explore the benefits of the "HochmanMethod" of writing
Discover new vocabulary development tips and stratgies
Email completed registration and authorization for to: educuation@evelyneperkinsfoundation.org
Hurry! Limited Seating
Contact us at 1-877-462-7401
*Starbucks and Amazon Giftcards will be given to the first 5 registrants at the
end of the workshop
Instructors: Dr. Michelle Heard and Steven A Saunders
1-877-462-7401 or email EEP at education@evelyneperkinsfoundation.org.
Finally, contributions can be made throughout the year by mailing your donations to:
P.O. Box 714
You may also contact the H.R. (Human Resources) Department at your place of employment to establish
a monthly payroll deduction through United Way or Employee’s Contributions. This deduction can be
sent directly to this foundation which is a 501 (c ) (3) organization and your gift is tax deductible. Your
support is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!